code: 9881
type: modern and contemporary carpets
collection: Tibet collection
origin: india
dimensions 202 x 305 cm
6' 7" x 10' 0"
6' 7" x 10' 0"
UE Citizens + Italian Vat Tax (22%)UE Companies Italian Vat Tax Free
Available from:
Morandi Tappeti
Condizione: Antico
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This carpet is in Italy - Pietrasanta artgallery
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Online you can find thousands of images regarding informal carpet designs. I myself receive hundreds of proposals for carpets made with modern designs with an informal style every day. Today, Indian designers and oriental manufacturers, as well as European mechanical carpet manufacturers, continually offer similar decorative solutions. The carpets I have made have an edge, not only in terms of (Pe...leggi tuttorsian knot knotted, depressed warps) not only technically therefore, but precisely on an artistic and decorative level. Spaces and voids, lights and shadows have a logical connection, they are expressed in a precise and codified artistic language, they forcefully impose themselves with what we commonly refer to as beauty but which responds to artistic criteria cemented over time.
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category: modern and contemporary carpets
Proposals for designers, contemporary artists and modern "Ustad" masters in the knotting technique manual carpet, interpret modernity in strict observance of the ancient traditions
collection: Tibet collection
Embellished by the end of 150 nodes each node Tibetan sq-inch, is the result of a rigorous selection of designs. The Tibet rugs are woven with fine wools, silk and hemp.
Proposals for designers, contemporary artists and modern "Ustad" masters in the knotting technique manual carpet, interpret modernity in strict observance of the ancient traditions
collection: Tibet collection
Embellished by the end of 150 nodes each node Tibetan sq-inch, is the result of a rigorous selection of designs. The Tibet rugs are woven with fine wools, silk and hemp.
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